Sunday, March 27, 2011

Common mistakes during the building process

Due to lack of experience or simply trying to accelerate the building process, people usually commit mistakes that can affect the quality of their projects.  As you’re investing your own money on it, it’s significant to be aware of what is usually poorly done and avoid it.

Choose the cheapest materials

It’s a temptation reduce the budget of your project buying low-quality materials. Unless the purpose of your shed is not to last for long years (some people might build them just to temporary save something), you should opt for quality ones. What you’re saving now is going to cost you much more in the future.

Not check the spot before

It’s important to pay attention to what is buried in the place you’re going to build your outdoor shed. Look for water tubing or other kind of tubing so that you don’t damage it while building your shed’s foundations or in the future have to remove the shed to repair a leak.

Not ask for help

Especially if you’re novice in this kind of activity, you should ask for help. In first place because no matter how well written and explained is a plan, there is always some kind of trouble that is not mentioned on it, and having someone experienced in the subject will improve a lot your building process. Secondly, because some components might be heavy to carry and set in place, and a couple of extra hands may become useful.

Outdoor Shed Tips
Picture Owner
Build near trees

If you have the possibility to not build your outdoor shed near a tree, do it. Trees are a threat for the future of your building, for several reasons. It might be good to avoid your shed from being damaged by a broken branch during a storm. Besides, shady places tend to accumulate humidity that is wood’s great enemy.

Above all, it’s important to think twice before go forward and respect the limits.

Have you experienced a different situation?   

Other helpful posts :

How to build a shed: the 8 main steps
Get your outdoor shed plans
Building your outdoor shed's ramp 
The importance of planning 
Building your outdoor shed's foundations
The advantages of DIY

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